Baby Bag

Baby Bag in Dezeen: Fifteen art and design projects by the Royal College of Art

Baby Bag at The Outernet London: 2-5 August

• Creative Direction
• 3D Design
• Animation


Baby Bag is a look inside a mother's mind during her journey of pregnancy told through a prism of a woman facing immigration issues in the UK. It unveils the ‘baggage’ of socio-political anxieties that could accompany this journey in today’s unpredictable world. In a single story, it explores these challenges and acknowledges that all women can encounter a form of anxiety during their pregnancy.


Composed using in Cinema 4D and rendered for display at The Outernet, London.

This project is created in collaboration with Bump Buddies at Shoreditch Trust, and is currently in further development for an exhibition at their community centre in September 2024.


Immersive Installation
